
Showing posts from August, 2023

Adultery: Morally inacceptable or humans made?

For a start, this is just my personal opinion and it doesn't equate to anyone. It doesn't apply to me. I am using this word as a discussion because it has been a hot topic recently within the Singapore PAP party. Read the news if you didn't know what happen.  I have this discussion with few friends. Morally this is unacceptable. I totally agreed. But if you were to split this topic objectively, only we as humans do not accept it. The society forbids us to do it. If you were to commit it, you are deemed as a disgrace and unfaithful to anyone or everyone you know. It is committing a heinous crime.  Our human society used Marriage & Divorce as a way to ensure fidelity. Do we let the society dictate our love or is it just Capitalism at work?  If marriage and divorce is not in play, there is no adultery. Love changes sometimes and it can be in many forms. Sometimes, we would be closer to the opposite sex but it doesn't mean love in the relationship perspective. This soci