Am I useless if I don't have a skill?

In year 2024, I will be half a century old. During 2014 when I am still 40 yo, I started doubting myself, my value, my worth to the society and to my company. 
I kept asking what's the purpose of working so hard, what if my kids are all grown up, what's the purpose of living, etc. Thousand and one questions popped up every day, I am not even sure if that is mid life crisis or depression.  Surely suicidal is not my dictionary, that's coward way of facing what's ahead. 
But nothing seems to motivate me. 
I gotten through those 40 years fairly easily. Fast forward to 9 years more, I am still what I could have achieved at 40 years old. 
Nothing major has changed except higher inflation, crazier world, the 2nd wave of generations coming to the workforce, the ever increasing workload, the higher humidity and temperature, etc. War between Ukraine and Russia doesn't seem to stop, US and China too. 
Traditional skills or manual labor skills become obsolete but more precious.  How many of us needed handyman or electricians? Are we willing to get our hands 'dirty' in Singapore when we can pay for any services? 
I do not possess any of the specialized skills. I can change a light bulb or two, maybe fixed some plumbing problem, or use the operator manual. But those are nothing compared to complex electrical or water usage problems. 
I do not have a specialized Cybersecurity certificate, I do not possess a degree certificate to 'fight' in the new economy, I love arts but doesn't have a proper portfolio. Will I be obsoleted ? 
This year has been especially tough. I kept asking what's my value to the people around me, my family, my corporate and society. Do I go into cycling, photography and cycling to make it a part of living ? Or do I educate the next generation on reality of work and living? 
I am a little into everything and anything that pique my interests. I like to see people around me succeeding.  I learnt the ropes quickly if you teach me. I know how to make it better cos I am 'lazy' or efficient, depends how you define it. I know a bit of housing, investments, work politics, Cybersecurity, ICT, married life, family life, photography, cycling, cars, fun, gaming, drawing, technology, etc.  Nothing specific. 
Hmm, am I deem useless then? Since anyone or everyone can be what I dabble in if they put in the time and effort, I am nothing unique (which I believe everyone is unique).
Then I realise why I am who I am today. I look at things in a different perspective. You can call it common sense or logical. I tend to propose forward thinking ideas that people think I am crazy. I talked about conspiracy and predetermined destiny that only a handful know.  I can sit all day in the park trying to understand why people behave the way they behave.  
Don't fret if you think you are worthless because your peers are all flying with colors. They are not you, they cannot experience the same life you have. 
Let's put the combined skills and experiences that we gotten to better use as the world is getting more complex. Leave the specialisation to the experts, they still need someone to 'see' the big picture. I believe I can find that picture.  


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