'both' of my primary schools were within walking distance from my home in Bukit Ho Swee. first was Bukit Ho Swee East Primary School.. white top and brown shorts... we shared the same school compound with 'rival' Bukit Ho Swee West Primary School... one of my old neighbours, Johnson Lim was from there. what's the rivalry about? we used to challenge them in one of the oldest sports in school, one-leg... East meets West, boys vs boys, girls vs girls... before school starts... at least once or twice a week. in those days, i was one of those 'top 10' one-legged players... playing and 'working' not just in the game but 'organising' which players to go first and who's next... fun fun and still fun. irony 1: i was not allowed to take PE lessons (physical education) but i still played one-leg in school . shhh... and damn good... since i couldn't take physical training, i joined Chess Club and learnt both English and Chinese Chess, challenging...
we can create one and get our family and frens to write on the blog, maybe multiply also can do.
probably have to find topics to focus on.. or maybe writing a open ended story....one line at a time. :P