drawing of a landmark in Singapore

when my girl drew this picture on the mini Doodle....i have no idea what is that, make a guess...a landmark of Singapore.
she loves drawing, sometimes i can't make sense out of those colourful pictures but she can find a way to explain them ... PICASSO or DA Vinci, hmm.


Anonymous said…
soulz007 said…
good guess...close to that place (1st hint)
forTaiYi said…
marina south kite flying area? those square-like shapes look like kites to me..haha!
soulz007 said…
wah....landmark leh...i give up...it is this thing that you see now when you travel up the Sheares Bridge and from afar...
forTaiYi said…
ooohh...the Ferris Wheel! good imagination...really artistic gal.
soulz007 said…
you are really talented also... those small circles are supposed to the cubicles.

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