that thought that you have, is it yours?

We make decisions all the time, good or bad, simple or complex, impromptu or deep thinking. Whatever decisions we made, it leads to certain feelings. Happy when we make it right, sad a bit when wrong. We try to use these experiences as basis for future same or similar situations. We learn. 

However, is that decision that we made part of our thought process? Humans are known to be fickle minded, we are known to make mistakes, we are known to let our thoughts run wild (even with similar situations we encountered before). We always wanted to test the boundaries, try new things, new ideas, etc. 

Coming back to the question, what if that decision that we made is actually a decision that had been decided. We live by the day thinking that we have the ability to make decisions but in fact, the path of your life has already been laid with all that 'decisions' that you think you made correctly. 

Eerie?! Life is much bigger than we think. 


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