I hope we don't live longer

The average human life expectancy has increased tremendously. When we were nomads, it used to be 30 odd years of lifetime. With science , we manage to create medicine or vaccine that prolongs our life and can 'fight' against the bacteria & viruses that are a threat to humankind or that accidents that are supposed to be fatal. 
I mean it is great to be curable from TB or measles. Over the many years, our average life expectancy has increased (as far as my knowledge) from 70 to 80 years old. We are going to have major breakthroughs in making human organs (I believe prototypes are on testing) and eliminating cancer should be within these 10 years. 
I should be glad that we can live longer. I am able to learn more, see the world more, get to eat more, have more friends. 
There's always 2 sides to a coin. At a macro level,  the implications on society and economy proves a huge burden. With more silver hair folks, the population is exploding. We will hit 7 bil to 9 bil in the next 10 years. I had explained this issue before. A country needs to cater food, water, electricity, housing, transport, etc etc including more jobs. 
At a micro level, do I have the money to sustain my aging life? How long must we work? Our govt has already push retirement age from 62 to 65 to 67. At age 50, you might be just halfway through working life if the trend continues. 
Do I want to live that long? Do I have the means to live that long? If I cannot afford or live miserably, hmm. 
Start building that money nest, there is no such thing as retirement. Enjoy life when it is presented. 


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