Owning or subscribing to anything...

 I have been owning almost everything in this life. We are taught since young that owning the assets is the key to assurance in life.

You pay the full ticket price of items that you think you need: your house, your car, that washing machine, the TV, that sofa, my watch, my smartphone, that shoe, that piece of clothing that you put on, etc. How do we service these payments? Probably through mortgage loans, car loans for big ticket items. Smaller or cheaper stuff maybe we pay in full or instalments. 

Do we really need these material possessions? What if we are able to rent or lease these items? 

If we subscribe, we might not need to create as much waste. We can easily travel to places, use the Washing Machine as a Service (laundromat), rent that phone with SIM for connectivity within that city, rent a bike or car to travel around, stay in that apartment accordingly to how long your job or you required, we share the 'resources' (TV, Washing Machine, Books, Transport, Clothes, etc.), creating much lesser wastage. 

Maybe, we still need to own some clothes and rent most for special occasions. Do you have that piece of suit or evening gown for that specific occasion? And that very next day, it became a piece of 'dinosaur'.

Why do we still own so many stuff then? It is really for the legacy and the public. This material world 'judges' a person by the number of properties he/she owns, the type of cars that they own, the brands of shirts/dresses that they wore. If you ignore the fluffiness of this world, you will realize that you don't owe anyone anything and the world doesn't owe you anything either. You came with nothing and certainly leave nothing for yourself when you leave. Maybe you have your kids or the house, but it will belong to someone else or they own their own lives. You are no longer accountable. 

You might think that you are responsible for the next generation. True to the heart, but does owning that legacy/assets and passing it to them helps them? Will they (because of all the inheritance) become a society bug? We can only hope not. 

If we do not own but subscribe/rent, we are not attached to any material stuff. You change that style when needed, your creativity ends when you decided, you are not bounded by where you stay, you get to understand that we need food and water to live (a roof over our head maybe), your circle of friends can be global. You simply enjoy freedom. 

There is no right or wrong. It is all about creating that income to sustain your lifestyle in this material world. 

Personally, I believe in owning that house and clothing, that's all. I will rent that house for passive income and start travelling around with my luggage of clothes. Everything else, I can just subscribed or rent. I am a nomad.

Don't get caught in what is short term happiness.


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