What's next after retirement?

I have been contemplating to quit my day job and in search of a less stressful job. 

Many of us worked to pay off debts (which we should not accumulate) or struggle to make ends meet. 

But have you ever wondered:

What's next after you paid off that debt? 

What's next after your kids grew up? 

What's next after you accumulated enough retirement fund? 

What's next when you reached retirement age? 

My parents taught me that working is a way of life to bring up our kids and pay that car / house. Hard work will pay off. 

I am not taught of investing for passive income. I am not taught that we can don't work if needed. Even with passive income, we always felt that we need to work cos that's the only way that we felt that we are useful to society. 

Does society care for you? 

How much is enough for you to stop work? 

Is working the only way of life? 

In most cases, when we don't work, we save a lot of unnecessary expenses. I bet you can even go for around the world trip by renting your house and minimal passive income. 

The question is not all the above. 

But rather, do you dare to step out of the rat race? 

I am not able to be out of the rat race yet but definitely moving towards it. I don't believe in working for life or working till retirement age. Enough is enough. Opt for that healthy and stress free lifestyle. Health is priceless, there is NO TRADE OFF for health over wealth.

I truly believe that we shouldn't let the thinking process stopped when we don't work. However, there are other ways to enrich our lives, our minds and work is definitely not that route. 

Built that passive income, live your dream.


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