What if humans have a kill switch?
This idea is not new.
Some viruses have 'kill' switches, that stopped their spread. Animals mysteriously became extinct, is it because of a kill switch too?
Human civilization for the past centuries, how is it wiped out?
Frozen age?
Volcanic Eruption?
Alien invasion?
or is it a defect in our genome?
If we are a product of God, do it mean that He hold that switch?
Are humans part of a project of God?
Lab mice are most often used now to emulate human diseases:
"The study found the rat genome contains similar numbers of genes to the human and mouse genomes but at 2.75 gigabases (Gb) is smaller than human (2.9 Gb) and slightly larger than mouse (2.6 Gb). Almost all human genes known to be associated with diseases have counterparts in the rat genome and appear highly conserved through mammalian evolution."
~ source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/04/040401075930.htm
The Creator holds the blueprint of all living beings. He would have also hold that key to all these weaknesses.
Is the current pandemic the next wave to our extermination or part of the Project to evolve a better human?