What if work from home is default forever?

Could this be a possibility? Working from home or anywhere will be the defacto mode for all employment. Human interaction becomes lesser, going out for meetings or lunches becomes rare, web meetings becomes more packed, etc. 
Is productivity better? Let's not dwell into work. 
Will WFH helps Earth? Helps in pollution? Helps in less food wastage? Helps in lesser crimes? 
There is so many what ifs but did we really put thoughts into matters that impact the humans.  
What if the vaccination is only effective for covid19? What if it is not? What if pandemic is here to stay? How prepared are we? Is this a sign of something more dangerous to come? Did we really tried to save our planet or is it too late? What if we can travel back? What if the pandemic is really to clear the human race for sustainable living of the greater good? And everything starts from WFH. 


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