Vaccination the in-thing in Singapore

Covid19 vaccination as the buzztalk since the start of year. 
Last Wed 14 Apr 2021 I had my first dose of Moderna vaccine. Kudos to SG system, registration, injection, waiting area and discharge process was seamless. 
Not much symptoms appear on Day 1, just the pain on the injected arm. Day 2 and Day 3 looks OK. Day 4 as in yesterday, not sure if it is the rain, the tiredness and headache kicks in and still lingering till now. 
There was a debate on Pfizer or Moderna between our extended families and frens, e.g. 3 weeks vs 4 weeks waiting time, efficacy rate, side effects, etc.  
I couldn't be bothered. I booked the earliest and convenient dates and place. 
We should be grateful that we have accessed to this vaccine earlier and faster than many countries. That's human nature I guessed. If there is only 1 vaccine, there's is no choice.  
We are really spoilt by choice even in getting vaccinated. 


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