If you are meat eater, don't talk about animal cruelty.

Dogs, Cats, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Parrots, etc are considered as 'pets'. When these 'pets' are cooked and eaten, most of us will think that it is cruel. Really?! If you are a meat eater, you should 'see' them as meat.

It is always about perspective. In most of our eyes, because we are born and bred with these so-called 'pets', we treated them like 'almost human' or our companion. What about other countries or races that kept tigers, snakes, pigs, cows, goats and chickens as 'pets' and you ate those meats like daily food.... Aren't we equally cruel? 


As long as you are an animal / meat eater, I don't think you have any right to talk about animal cruelty. Don't cows, chickens, pigs, goats, fishes, prawns, crabs, feel THE PAIN? We domestically caged, netted, boxed them in inhuman spaces and large quantities to fulfill our stomach. Do we care about these animals' feelings? 

With the 7 billion population growing at alarming rate, how many more 'pets' do we need to sacrifice? Extracted from Wikipedia on World Population: "seven billion in October 2011 with other estimates being in March 2012.[3] It is projected to reach eight billion by 2024–2030 and nine billion by 2035–2050, with alternative scenarios ranging from a low of 7.4 billion to a high of more than 10.6 billion by 2050"

I can at least use this term 'animal cruelty' now without feeling guilty as I choose not to take meat since 2019. I am not against meat eating but human beings are rearing and killing massive animals or 'pets' without concerns about the ecosystems. We are the only domineering species that break the system, always plundering the Earth, never giving back. We did not let nature takes it course or let the animal species recovered their own population. I still support Thanos in some sense. 

Slowing our meat consumption might help to ensure our civilization's existence. It is always about cause and effect. Less meat intake, less animal rearing, less crops to grow for these domesticated animals to feed on, more veg to feed ourselves, more areas to grow trees/plants, more polluted air being 'recycled', less ozone, more radiation protection, etc.

All things are interconnected... every of our actions affected not at national or global level but universe level. So think before you take that piece of meat today. Is it excessive? Do I really need it? 


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