CHAOS theory: Rules are meant to be broken.

Human beings created rules, we follow these rules. We bend those rules to improve them. 

Human beings derived theories, most of us follow those theories. Very few tried to crack or rebutt them. 

Human beings created religions, we believe religions can make us a better person. How many tried to question the teachings? Did the teachings change as society evolves? Did we re-write the teachings?

Human beings created the most powerful weapon -> Laws to keep ourselves in place. Laws can be simply implemented if you can gather the majority. 

Human beings are now trying to play GOD. We are trying to outlive our given life span, we are trying to 'preserve' our memories, we are working to dominate the Earth and Universe. 

Humans are never really part of the ecosystem, whether in food chain or harmony or universe. We follow the simple logic: Rules are meant to be broken. We create CHAOS. We try to 'break' everything rules, every animal kingdom, every country, every land. 

Nothing can stop us once we set foot on a new land. Did we try to work in harmony with the existing inhabitants of the land? Did we try to preserve the existing culture and heritage of the land? Are we draining Mother Nature to the fullest extent? I would say Yes. 

I don't believe we are the first civilisation on Earth, some said we are the seventh civilisation. Why are we wipe out from the last six civilisations? Are we really more intelligent than other living things that we can play GOD? 

I hope not to see that day when we are immortal at the expense of ..........


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