There is no FUTURE

What is Future? 

Future is an imaginary word or rather imaginary life. It is a concept that keeps us alive. 

We work hard hoping for earlier and better retirement life (that is future). 

We eat better hoping to live a longer and healthier life (that is future). 

We exercise and train hoping that we will not get sick (that is future).

We study hard and learn a lot of things hoping that we can get better job, eat better and train more intelligently. (Isn't that the future too?)

Religion, politics and capitalism are promoting the future too. 

Different religions 'promote' the different way of life and also death. Build good deeds to have good karma. Do evil and go to hell. Believing in God to have a place in 'heaven'. Reincarnation after death. What makes us think that there is a place after death or a destination after death? 

Politicians are 'busying' encouraging citizens to work for a better nation. That's for the nation, that's not for you. 

Capitalists are the worst lot. Selling or 'brainwashing' your thoughts to buy that 'future' lifestyle. 

All in all, we are living for the future. Not NOW, not at present. 

Take a step back. What if our life is an endless loop of reboot

What do I mean? Your life keeps replaying endlessly as in a game/program that keeps replaying itself after the character dies. You keeps replaying the same character over and over again with the same plot, same friends, same work, same life. Is that not possible? How many of us know where we are after death? Is that also part of the game that create the life after death to make us believe that there is life after death? 

If it is true, it means that our path is already pre-destined, every decision that we make is already written in the future, every life that we tried to envision is already pre-configured.

Is the FUTURE certain? or is there really a FUTURE? 


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