Phase 1 after Circuit Breaker Singapore

First day of 'release' from SG CB. 
Nothing much has changed, except for kids going to schools. 
And the fan replacement on my laptop can finally be done... run some errands for full mask on... 
so getting used to mask... I don't feel safe without it outside my doorsteps.

I still don't think it is safe in Phase 1... but lots are treating as outing. 
Let's hope Phase 1 move out real soon to Phase 2 where we can dine out in small groups... (figures infected start to zero).
But do we really need to dine out? Has eating at home become the NEW NORMAL? 
Do we still need to socialise physically? 

Welcome to the NEW FUTURE! 

Mentality, mindset, thoughts has certainly changed from this pandemic (covid-19). We appreciate the nature better, skies are clearer and more vibrant, butterflies are roaming freely, weeds & grass growing wildly but definitely beautiful to sight. 

Singapore, the Garden City is in full blossom now. Keep it up. 
We don't need to keep maintaining those plants, trees, shrubs, grass, let them grow... help MOTHER NATURE!


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