Circuit Breaker since 7 Apr 2020, the NEW NORMAL
The new normal way of life and business has changed for the better since Singapore's Circuit Breaker.
I find time to workout regularly, time for books and better planning.
The downside, more work as calls can be back to back, meetings can be so adhoc. No travelling needed means meetings can be packed so closely than drinking water proves challenging.
Since breakfast, lunch and dinner had to be in-house, food planning is now one of the main activities.
Meeting with friends, relatives, colleagues has never been more virtual.
But I actually quite like the new change.
The earth becomes cleaner. Skies become clearer, less cars, less flights, less human intervention, Mother Nature helps to revive our Earth. Better air, less natural disaster, less food wastage (I hope).
Are humans the root of Earth's Destruction?
Is this pandemic created by Mother Nature as a warning?
Are humans evolving for the better?
Welcome to the NEW WORLD.