meditation... is it real?

i have always wonder about meditation since young age... probably i am interested in the unknown like UFO, Yeti, Loch Ness...

Meditation, how boring as many will felt it... "just seating there do nothing, i dont have the patience"...

i have been seeing different articles on this topic.
meditation can be practise at any place, anytime. it doesnt have to be long... give yourself 5 to 10mins.... i hope to do longer than that... heard the other benefit is spontaneous fasting... better focus or attention.

the 3 methods that i have tested (all seated with legs crossed, shoulders relaxed on floor or sofa, eyes closed):
1) focus on a light in the darkness.
2) focus on your breathing, just the entry and exit point..
3) keep repeating a word or few words.

Yet to try method on meditation - near death experience... how to do that?!

It's a weird process but ... i have seen only 4 visions thru countless times of meditation... and the end result is always the relaxed and calm mind that is achieved...

Havent gotten the time to interpret these visions:
1) I was riding on the back of the caterpillar happily..... some said this is a sign of buddhism....
2) (3 scenes) this fren of mine in ancient Chinese Wedding costume (bright red and the heavy headpiece) smiling happily, next scene was the 2 pairs of hands on top of one another, then the next scene was a man with specs (like Daniel Wu Yin-cho - Chinese actor) having a cigarette in one hand (smoky room) looking troubled.
3) I was sitting on top of a tall narrow pillar (just enuff for sitting), there were multiple pillars... so tall that i could not see the bottom. but i am not afraid.
4) I saw the delivery of a baby from a woman on a delivery ward and was asked to cut the umbilical cord... this vision happens yesterday... and the next moment, i felt total darkness (pitch black), total silence, i cant hear my breathe too (even though i knew i was hearing water flow and drilling noise when i was into meditation the minute before)... this darkness and total silence (i wasnt afraid)... instead, it was like a peace of mind... it was like a brief moment where my senses were all's different from the state when you concentrate on the meditation techniques.... it felt great...

Try it... you never know what you can achieve... but remember, dont be aware of your vision, dont try to control them, just let it flow... it's different from dream.

come to think of it, i believe i have an out-of-body experience which i tried when i was in primary school.. i was like floating around passing thru buildings, then a sudden 'jerk' pulled me back where i saw myself sleeping... another sudden act woke me up... but i am still dreaming... (like a dream in a dream)... hmm...


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