identify the sex of your next child

call it a myth... hearsay...

i was quite amazed when i heard from my sis-in-law...

how do you know whether your next child will be a boy or girl?

i dont know what you call it in English... look at the head of your first kid, the 'apex' of the hair (the part where your hair seems to spiral around, 'white patch')...

secret unleashed:
- if the 'apex' is in the centre of the head, your next child will be a boy...
- if it is at the left or right of the head, it must be a girl...

it's true for my sis, eldest girl has the 'apex' in the centre and the second child is boy!
it's true for my sis-in-law.
it's true for me, my eldest girl's has the 'apex' on the left and my second child is girl... the second on is having it in the cente, boy next? hmm, have to think really deep...

what's yours?!


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