a record breaking day - 20 Apr 2008

i think our family has the heaviest baby born (20 April 2008), Meng's boy at 3.695kg, time at 1014hr... some 4D to invest... chubby boy with a loud cry, hope they can manage.

Ziyi, my girl held a record too that day, 40.1.... not your usual-to-be-celebrated-about thingy... at 5.30am, she asked me for a cup of water, saying she was thirsty, i was... in my dreams and quite frustrated as she don't usually wake me up during this time... one touch on her (actually wanted to drag her to the kitchen) and uh-oh... FEVER... quickly took her temprature and it was 40.1degrees!!!!!!! shocked and stun for second... gave her progesic (only medicine left), "iced" her... 1 hour fight and the temperature was down to 38.3+... went to sleep without thinking (though still quite high) but too damn tired.

lesson learnt: kids don't wake you up at night for no reasons, it must be an emergency...


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