'brush' with death

last sunday, the chinese tradition of paying respect to the dead (our love ones who passed away) was adhere... preparations were made way in advance, buying all the joss papers, a "LCD" for my mum... vegetarian chicken, fish and other foods (chinese tradition cakes, kuehs, fruits)... its a massive affair, my uncle, aunties, grandma and our siblings with family including the children were there (at zi du an)...

as expected, the place was packed... people mountain people sea... sunny and hot weather... joss sticks, joss candles and joss papers were burning... creating the smoke that was comparable to the Indonesia Haze... PSI 80 at least... my eyes were teary after an hour and half hours...

we paid respects to my great-grandparents, grandfather and of course, my mum... she is 'located' at E block, 20 rows, 6 level... hope she is doing well in another dimension.

first brush with death ended around 12noon... tiring and thirsty...

our family had to quickly rush off to Ashlyn's 2-years old birthday bash... food was halal and very good, mee siam was fantastic as well... tired tired tired after that... ended back home, Ziyi persuaded to go cycling downstairs... haiz, no naps...

second brush with death came around 12 midnight that Sunday... not knowing why and how it happened... i slept and woke up around 2plus with breathing difficulty again!... asthmatic attack!... luckily i am still left with 3 pills of Zenmolin, my miracle savior... pop one and the problem subsided in an hour.

DEATH is always nearing me for these couple of months... i went to see doc this morning for more Zenmolin... to fight it... i am still too early for YOU.


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