"I saw Mas Selamat in my school!"

"Papa, whose that man in the picture?" asked my eldest, Ziyi pointing to the poster at the notice board near our lift lobby... "Mas Selamat... he is a bad man", i told her "if you see him, you must call papa or mummy or call the police, ok?"

"Orrr, I saw Mas Selamat in my school, leh", she continued... i was dumbfounded for a while... and realised that she meant that she saw the same poster at the lift lobby at her school... what a joke! kids...

Mas Selamat bin Kastari, i am not really too concerned about him though he must have made hell for the whole of Singapore including parts of JB people...

thanks to him, Singapore customs had been working on checking all vehicles going in/out of Singapore... 'catching' illegal immigrants that tried to come to Singapore... these immigrants must be cursing and swearing... illegal cigarettes sellers staying inside our canal were caught!...

probably, some makeshift makeout dens or gambling dens could be uncovered...

thanks to him, my boss dragged coming to Singapore... cos going back to JB took him 2 more hours...

thanks to him, all Mas Selamat's imposters suddenly became 'FAMOUS'... walking or limping invites stares and more attention from bystanders...

thanks to him, NSF and special forces (whatever groups) are finally able to put their drills to real test...

but one thing i am still puzzled, how the hell did he and can he escape? especially from Kiasu Singaporeans!

thanks to him, some heads had to roll...


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