PSP review

i've been having this white PSP for more than a week... only one game (WORMS)... still deciding to mod this set...

i got a 4GB memory stick and the moment i got it, all the 'rubbish' starts to appear inside PSP.

throw in a few comic articles and my girls' pictures, convert loads of cartoons/videos for my girl, listening to the internet radio (still listening now), dumping a few mp3 tracks... surfing the web (during toilet breaks)! PSP has become my official 'all-in-one rubbish dump'... anything that i wanted to see or use, i just upload... no limits for me, the only limitation? my 4GB!.

portable game console?! it is more like a handy machine to this TV out cable for PSP... now i can play my mp4 videos on any TV with components input... but only kid's videos now :)

PSP is a thumbs-up for me, it really helps to 'kill' time, why iPOD?


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