the first phase of ordeal just passed...

i visited my dentist today to remove the stitch...

the story goes as such...

it happened last Tuesday... first thing when my dentist, Mdm Koh at Corporate Dental (Redhill MRT) saw me... she remembered telling me to make an inlay crown for that tooth... i really regretted.

Mdm Koh did a quick check on the cracked tooth... i had an x-ray taken on that tooth, Mdm Koh explained that she would take out the cracked portion and analyse... injected some painkillers on the gum and she used a plier... twist and turn, twist and turn, a tiny bit of my tooth was out!

good gracious! but this was only the beginning of another process.

apparently, the 'crack' was too deep and a crown could not be performed... only one choice...TOOTH EXTRACTION... i swear that this will be my last time, never never try this act again! NEVER!

before the process, she injected some more painkillers... using the same plier (i mean plier, special type.. of course), she tried to extract it... part of the tooth broke, she said my tooth was brittle... she used a L-shaped tool and pried to loosen the tooth by the edge... tried the plier again... the root of my tooth was really tough... it just won't bulge... i felt that my whole jaw is dropping (literally) but that tooth still intact...for once, i thought that my heart cannot take it.

the dentist's '3rd weapon', a small drill to 'break up' the tooth for easier extraction... drill, twist, turn, pull, drill twist turn pull... some portions came off... i think she used a 'final weapon', a small surgery knife to cut a bit of the gum so that the plier had more grip... anyway, i did not feel the cut since my painkillers was 'in force'...

finally part of the root came off (i am extracting molar tooth - 2 roots)... the other portion was sucked out by the dentist assistant... thank buddha that 'this fight' was finally over... she stitched up the wound (i feel 'hollow' without that tooth)...with a lot of my blood oozing.

I have to admit that Mdm Koh was good, all these processes only took last than half an hour... my last dentist (in army) who did a root canal for me took all day (i became immune to pain after that...hahahaha).

3 months' time is my followup, then we will decide the next action... most likely a bridge... another ordeal! pray in the name of buddha for me.


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