full month celebration cum housewarming cum gathering

last sunday was really tiring (it's only yesterday...:P)...

we (my wife and I) were holding our second girl's full month celebration cum housewarming for relatives.

the multipurpose hall at my place was quite huge and packed with frens and relatives... it's accomodating around 100 pax...too bad that seats were limited (first com first served)... i booked the karaoke room of my condo...relatively good but i practically had no time for a song.

food was from Eatzi Gourmet (buffett catering from Jack's Place) and Obolo (mini pastries).... food from caterer was generally good, the beef, fried fish and gyoza were snapped up in no time... luckily i managed to eat a few *phew*. the prawns were almost untouched...probably due to the 'Indian spice' smell and the need to de-shell. Obolo pastries were great (from hearsay and my frens)...i missed out on that!

my wife and i wished that we could 'split' into many selfs and entertain all our frens and relatives at the same time.

Thanks to all who have turned up and those that had given us 'moral support'....sorry for the lack in hospitality (if any)....on behalf of my girl, Zhirui.

PS: thank you for all the gifts and toys too! photos on this event should be up soon depending on the photographer.


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