congrats now before this post is flooded!

my second baby girl should be out today (anytime in the afternoon) by the time this post is made.

i am no GOD or BUDDHA to predict this. rather, my wife and i were at the gynae yesterday and he said we can go anytime.

8am we will be setting off for Mt Alvernia.

given max 7 hours of labour... by 3pm, my girl will be seeing this world, breathing the much-waited oxygen, seeing and hearing the dad, mum, elder sis, etc...

my second one and i am still so excited... wait for my SMS and 4D numbers...CIAO!

If i do not SMS or call you, i am too busy. gimme a ring!


Anonymous said…
hi bro,

congrats once again on the arrival of your 2nd gal and my 2nd niece!! I'm an auntie yet again!
soulz007 said…
thank you...all planned timing backfired...but still worth it.
forTaiYi said…
I am know I'm a bit late but still CONGRATULATIONS to you and Layteng! your cute No 2 gal's BIG too! hahaha! :)
soulz007 said…
thanks elynn. slightly bigger than first one but now totally change... trying to get my camera for better shots.

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