still having the CNY festive mood

it is always exciting during this period for all the Chinese in the world. we are into our 9th day of Chinese New Year... though we have started worked but i believe majority of us are still in the eating goodies-gambling-ang pao-giving mandarin oranges-kind of mood...

i am still liking it. did not win much on gambling... ate 3 times steamboat, 5 times lo hei (Chinese style of raw fish mixed with all kinds of veggie, plus sweet sauce, crushed peanuts and mini crackers <- this dish is originated from Singapore chefs, must try FIVE STAR RATING), 2 times popiah, lots and lots of new year goodies. i think i still have a lot of goodies to be cleared. need to find a way...hmm it was an enjoyable day yesterday where i (together with a whole gang of close frens) witnessed *alas* the marriage solemnization of my poly mate, Chong and her wife, Liti.... after so many years of courtship...finally he joined our official MARRIAGE CLUB, no more bachelor....

Wishing them a happy and endearing marriage forever.


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