work on your strengths or weaknesses?

life is ever contradicting. time is always our greatest enemy. economics teaches us "opportunity cost", we have to forgo something in order to gain another.

it is like strengths and weaknesses. you train hard and focus on your strengths but your gap in weaknesses widen. you work on your weaknesses and lose sight of your strengths.

it is like work and family. how much time to allocate for them so that it strikes a balance.

this question is for your kid and yourself: should you capitalise on your strengths or work hard on your weaknesses?

most will do the latter like me... our upbringing has somehow taught us to do so. if we are weak in a subject, we put especially more effort to get better grades. But often, nothing has changed.

if we are not sociable, we take verbal communication courses and join social event to brush up and widen our social circle. is this really effective? of course, i am not referring to bad habits.

at what stage should you or your kid work on strengths?
at what stage on weaknesses?

my girl is not really sociable, her 'warm-up' time with strangers is almost none. you can strike lottery if she talks to you at first sight. that's her nature, to strangers she is a mouse. to her frens in school, she has the loudest voice. she will 'boss' her frens around. she does the talking and her frens does the work. she chooses her frens, making a distinct likes and dislikes. probably she does not understand the importance of frens.

we are enrolling her for other activities to widen her circle of frens.....thru ballet courses, hopefully it worked. she said that she likes fencing, oh boy......i will enrol her for that when she is five, the minimum age requirement for that course, provided she still insists at five. :P

i am working on her weaknesses (more exposure to society and frens) for now and hope to let her find out her own strengths within the next few years to work on.

our generation is going to be different from our parents' time.

we should not decide what we think is good for our child, we should only guide.


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