Buddha is not god, Buddhism is not a religion

Buddha is Prince Siddhartha. He wasn't a god, he (to be blunt) found a way to be rid of the material stuff and end all impermanence. He was teaching the students how to achieve it so that we are free from pain and this material world. Nothing last forever, even if you are rich or poor, intelligent or dumb, fast or slow, etc. 
A lot of Buddhists thought that believing or praying to Him will help to cleanse their bad doings or debts. The hard truth is that He can't. He is no God, he doesn't take all our sins and ensure you will go to heaven and not hell. See Him as a teacher, like any school subject teacher. He teaches way of life, how to be compassionate and loving, how helping others bring lasting happiness. Nothing to do with race, religion, status or intellilect in this life or next lifetime (if there is).  
I do not believe in religion. But I like Buddhism way of life. 
Again, it brought back to my topic on Capitalism, dividing the world into countries, not sharing technologies to build a better Earth, poverty, hunger and death. 
Imagine a world without $$$, no country boundaries, all research for the humankind; No war will exist becos there is no country and no resources that cannot be shared; No crime and no poverty will exist as there is no $$$; No hunger and no power struggle will appear cos food, education and resources will be shared. 
Capitalism is for the rich at the expense of the poor. Rich gets richer and poor people will never get out of their slum as there is no means for them to be educated, they need to work just to survive. 
If we look at climate changes, war (trade or real), poverty, hunger as a collective whole, we (human) are simply wasting resources. 
We will never advance. Even if we did, it is baby steps that took forever. 
If we are to share technology without selfishness among the world, we should be using clean energy now; we would have eliminated death by hunger or cancer now; there is no such thing as being poor becos you are born into the wrong family; we would be travelling in space now; we could be mentally stress free (no mental illness), and we spread and share love and compassion as our only way of life. 
We are not living alone in this 7 billion human population. Let's show care and be more aware of our actions. 
To all the leaders in every countries, stop capitalism and share your know how. Read Buddhism. 


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