Be Emotion-less to achieve more compassion

Paradox as it seems. I am convinced by logic. Reason with me and if it is reasonable, I will adhere. 

On the flipside, I will be the impatient and angry guy if I know that other party is clearly wrong or has no reason to do what he/she did. 

I clearly remembered a Phuket Trip with my big family including my bros and sis.  We were occupying 3 tables inside a boat trip and it was supposed to bring us to different islands.  After the first island hopping, when we were back to the boat, I saw a Chinese family occupying our seats. Our kids' water bottles were clearly on the table.  They simply ignored it. After a long wait, they are not willing to bulge. My elder bro asked them nicely (as we are squeezing to 2 tables) but was totally ignored. I got so heated up. Raising my voice and asking them if they were blind. Words exchanged and the situation almost got into a fight. One of the Chinese guy said "妈的!" (Literally means mother) but is a bit of swearing in Chinese context. At that point, I flared up. As we were on that trip when our mum just passed away, I immediately retaliated in Mandarin with "my mum just passed away, what about yours, still around?"   Clearly his mum was just beside him. My bros quickly helped to calm me and that Chinese guy down as a lot of nasty things were exchanged. The kids were scared (till this day they still remember as my sister said). 

If I had not been quick to temper, all of it could have been avoided. I should ask more, getting them to view from our perspective, for our kids. Less emotion, more query, it could lead to being more compassionate and empathy. Even if a party seems to be in the wrong, we need to understand the situation first. As the saying goes "there is always 2 sides of a coin" nothing is always right of wrong, it is perspective or which side you are at.  

Don't jump to conclusions because of emotion, show compassion and let the truth be heard. 


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