Regular job or Freelance or Part-time job?

We worked for $$$ to pay for our daily expenses, housing, kids' education, for that car, that luxury item, or the travel trips, etc. I have explained in my other postings. 
If I have enough $$$ to fulfill all the above, do I still need to work? Should I go for the regular 9x5 job or start working as freelance (contract basis) or part-time (with short work hours)? 

After a long 5-years working with current company as a regular employee, I decided that enough is enough. The mental tiredness is simply not worth the health risk. I didn't plan for the next job but wanted to take a break. Is it worth the risk of not having a next job before resigning? I don't have the answer for you, I need my time more than the work now. 

I actually pre-empted my company way before my resignation, requesting them to quickly hire staff for me to handover but it seems that no action was taken unless you really resigned. 

They are proposing that I stay to help in the transition and work on a package for shorter hours and reduce duties. Should I accept? Perhaps a freelance job might work, charging based on monthly or hourly rate. 4 half-day work week... hmm... or perhaps without any sales number and reports.

Productivity is not measured on how much time you put in daily. It is about how we achieved those goals set by optimizing the little resources we have.

Got to figure out if I still need that regular, freelance or part-time job. Or do I still need that job? 
Start to think beyond the 80% mindset.


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