Procrastination is everyone's strength.

Procrastinate is easy. I will do it later, tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe when I am 50. There is one thousand and one wayss to do it but we choose to procrastinate.

Is it really wrong? or is there even a wrong or right? 

Sometimes, we delay to wait for results. Sometimes, things will clear a path for us when we delay. Sometimes, slower is better, we do not jump to conclusion. 

Do it with exertion, with the goal in mind. You can wait for all you needed but set the goal (not a running target). 

I hate to admit that I am also procrastinating now. I am 'dragging' myself to work where I should have quit, putting away my RTI cycling plan when I can do it anytime, leaving my backpacking travel on hold when I know I cannot walk as much as I hit 50 or 60. 

But all in all, these plans will need to be on hold until I created enough passive income. 

Do I need to be a millionaire? 

Procrastinate with that plan in mind. It is all leading to it. 


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