Set a target in every part of your life

I am not referring to new year resolution. We should have move on with that every-year-cannot-be-achieved-resolution if you are reading this blog. 

Instead, we should set 5-years target. Something far-fetched but achievable. I used to set targets to achieve at age 30, 35, 40... but till late (47 now), nothing was set since. 

30 years old, income to hit SGD3k per month (simple). My income was pretty low then at young age. 

35 years old, to own a million $ assets... achieved. 

40 years old, liquidity of a million $. not really achieve but I believe I am liquid enough. 

With bare necessity fulfilled, house and car (no loan very soon). A great family though arguments still appear. What more do I wanted? 

After 40, I remembered I went into a long state of depression if you would call it. I work without motivation or doesn't even feel like working. Working aimlessly, neither happy nor sad. Day in, day out seems like groundhog days. Wasted a long period trying to find my next target. But I met this old friend who is into Buddhism, she asked me to read a book on Buddhism, which somehow links to meditation and simpler way of life. I was into this depression state more than 3 years. Thinking and over-thinking, what to do? is it worth it? why am i not motivated? do i need to earn more $$? questions kept popping out... 

Thankfully, I have few close friends during then that are willing to meet up and hear my nonsense. Rattling about the dissatisfaction, the conspiracy theory, the many ideas to do business, my meditation vision... 

4 years since then, I still have not set my next target. or have I? To lead a simple and less hectic lifestyle and maybe retirement at 50. :)

Please plan your target, small steps better than not moving forward. 


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