Limited Circle of Friends

 I always felt that my life experiences are in phases. 

Moving on from childhood friends to secondary friends to gaming friends, poly friends to army kakis and working colleagues. These friends never stick with me for long, only a limited handful, that's my life I presume.

With each phase, friends come and go. I don't really have strong attachment or close relationship with most of them. Maybe to them, I appeared snobbish, cold and too intelligent to joke around. Only the close few that knew me, knew me. 

I like to observe, I can be alone and does things alone. That's probably why my circle of friends are small and smaller than most people. 

But have you ever wondered? Whenever your friend 'leave' you in that stage of life, someone would take over his/her place. The amount of people that you are allowed to 'hold on' to, it seems fixed. It could even be the case when you get to know a new friend, somehow you will find another 'missing'. Is it because of our limited time? 

I still find it eerie when my daughter is about due in Oct 2003. Before she is out, my mum left this world in Aug 2003... and my daughter prematurely came out 2 weeks later to 'fill' my world. 

In another incident, I found an old friend during Dec 2013 and the following month, her dad moved on to heaven. Deja Vu, coincidence or weird, whatever you name it. 

Look around you, is our circle of friends/family members limited since we were born? 

So if someone leave your life, it is always 'filled' magically. 

Do you notice the same experiences?  

Let no one ever come to you without leaving better. 


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