The Sequence is Not Important

What the hell does it mean? 
It came from a dream and this sentence has been lingering even after I awake. 
Happened few weeks back. 
I read "Art of Work" and its about knowing your calling, answering to it and begin the apprenticeship. 
Life would have gotten you to that track if we follow. 
Then Steve Jobs Biography talked about him connecting those dots and living our lives, not someone else's.
So this sentence in my dream got me going, uncovering more into our calling, our soul.

In maths, the sequence is always important cos it applies logic. The only equation that sequence is not important or irrelevant is Pi (3.14.15xxxxxxx), endless stream but meaningless to many. Pi, the circle. Is this indicating to me that life is endless or cycle? 

What if our life is a circle? What is the sequence about our life? 
Is it trying to tell me that whatever we did is not important? Only the outcome is.
Is there an outcome that is important? and is that outcome pre-destined? 
Not destined but pre-destined? 

I am not insane... just a curious cat that wanted to understand the sole purpose of our soul. 

Are we living the past that the future is already written? 
What if we are born for a mission? and what if death is a sign that our mission is accomplished? 

What is your calling? Can you connect those dots with your life? 
Are you working towards the end goal? 

Crazy as it seems... but certainly room for a lot of thoughts... 


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