flung off like a soft toy.... life...

witnessing a car accident first hand is no joking matter.
it happened along East Coast Service Road near Parkland Green @ 21 Jun 2015 330pm.

a black car with its hazard lights on, dad dropped his kid (10plus year old boy) along that stretch of road. .. I was driving behind this car in front in the opposite direction. the car in front was probably at 40kph... i dont think i will have the time to react when that boy dashed out from the back of his dad's car... he was probably heading to Parkland Green for an event in the open field area...

the next moment (1-2 seconds) lasted slow-mo... i could literally see him flew back towards the back of his dad's car like a soft toy thrown off a window... his water bottle left his hand... all in a matter of seconds but lasted like a minute... my heart stopped the beat...

my 'queen' quickly called ambulance (they didnt knew Parkland Green)... thank Buddha that he was conscious ... in order not to create traffic jam along that small two-way road. i left the scene... hope the boy was in good hands and recovering.


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