'must-see' movies in cinema...

it's been a while since my wife and i last visited a cinema (without my girls)... this year is exception.

we went thru a number of movies... X-Men Origins-Wolverine, Star Trek and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.. to name a few...

watching a movie is always enjoyable with someone you loved... of course, the movies must be of certain acceptable standard for us to catch...

Star Trek the movie: i had never been a fan... never caught any seasons ... the 2 things i know of Star Trek before watching... "beam me up" and Captain Spock (the guy with that pair of pointed ears)... Whether you are a fan or not, this is a must-see this year... if you miss it, own the DVD or Bluray... whatever... good effects, good plot, good mixture of race?!

X-Men on Wolverine... ok or so-so... watch it only if you really want to know how Wolverine came about... not really required to know though... plot a bit lame.

Transformers 2... my personal fav... nothing much abt plot... if you like the cartoon series (since my generation)... the first few seasons, you will love this show (forget about part 1 of Transform... it is basically a 30-minute cartoon extended to 2.5hrs of autobots and decepticons... and allspark... all the 'transform and roll out', action packed thru'out, the special effects... totally awesome for me... (to appreciate)... Michael Bay has done justice to the cartoon series, only if more colors can be added to the transformers... but Megan Fox is .... woooooo... (ticket already worth).

most of us would not spend the time and $$ to watch movies in cinema (especially applyin' leave)... where all the sound effects and movie quality can be experienced at home... (i think my system can produce the same effect)...

the true experience lies with the person sitting beside you during the whole show... that's why movies in theatres become a MUST-SEE...


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