Autobiography: My School - Primary Part 2

My primary school days was from 1981 to 1986... easy to remember.

Second part of this segment is to really seek old frens... before my memory fails.
Boys: Wei Huanbo, Fuyu, Xu Shunxing, Chen Jinshun, Chen Kexun and many many more etc.
Girls: Pan Xiuqing, Chen Qingping, Bai Liyun, Chen Jingjing, Chen Sumei, Ke Caixia, Shufang, etc.

Got to see the Pri 6 farewell book...

i vaguely remember my classes but i think they were 1A, 2A, 3A, 4N1, 5N1 and 6N1...

Mr Lim, our form teacher during P6... super strict but really good in English studies... how strict?! he did not allow any students to cross legs during lessons or your table would be 'your standing ground'...

not because of vengence... there was this Chinese teacher during my P3 who gave me a tight slap on my face... becos i was mischievious...

all my siblings went thru Bukit Ho Swee Primary... i could still see my younger bro being bullied by his peers (mostly girls) during his P1 from underneath the classroom partition.. :P


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Autobiography: My School - Primary