Autobiography: My School - Primary

'both' of my primary schools were within walking distance from my home in Bukit Ho Swee.

first was Bukit Ho Swee East Primary School.. white top and brown shorts... we shared the same school compound with 'rival' Bukit Ho Swee West Primary School... one of my old neighbours, Johnson Lim was from there.

what's the rivalry about? we used to challenge them in one of the oldest sports in school, one-leg... East meets West, boys vs boys, girls vs girls... before school starts... at least once or twice a week.

in those days, i was one of those 'top 10' one-legged players... playing and 'working' not just in the game but 'organising' which players to go first and who's next... fun fun and still fun.

irony 1: i was not allowed to take PE lessons (physical education) but i still played one-leg in school . shhh... and damn good... since i couldn't take physical training, i joined Chess Club and learnt both English and Chinese Chess, challenging Johnson almost daily.

though one of the smallest size in school (i think 1.3m or 1.4m, always in the first row during lessons), i got a lot of respect from peers... one of their 'leaders'... asking mates to do the 'dirty jobs' (buy drinks, get things, etc. nothing 'criminal')... while being the teachers' pet at the same time.

my results were good for Pri 1 and 2. i topped the class and among the school. for the next 3 years, i was still in top 10 though not ideal and kana caned by dad most of the time when results were out... i was (that time) getting lazy in studies and all play for me.

second primary school was still the same place... Bukit Ho Swee West Primary School MERGED with our school and became Bukit Ho Swee Primary School... that year was PSLE... almost half the class was new faces... i remembered our English and Form Teacher, Mr Lim... super strict but he was good in teaching and i respected him.

games and fun at school still carried on... we played rubber bands and erasers, and i would sold them for 10cents after winning those bands and erasers from schoolmates... we played four stones, police & thief (even in rainy days), marbles, hide & seek (whole compound! even hiding in drains!), catch guppies and toads... chasing green crested lizards.

these form of fun should be the reasons why my mum said that i was the most mischievious and 'accident-prone' among my siblings... but still a goodie boy among teachers.

... school tuckshop (n.k.a. canteen) with benches and tables lined up side by side... chilli noodles @ 30 cents, buying tidbits and sticker books (World Cup 1986 Mexico!), brushing teeth after meal..i can still smell the 油条 with chilli & sweet sauce that was sold outside our school and i would buy them for 20 cents on the way home.

soon PSLE came and primary school days were over... i decided on my secondary school on my own... got my 3As and 1A* (in Maths) at aggregate score of 242... i was 'enlisted' into Chung Cheng High School Branch at Guillemard Road... school days continue.


banglacow said…
suddenly you cannot help but feel nostalgic about the days long gone.

but the memories live in the heart forever
Anonymous said…
I was googling for Bukit Ho Swee West School and saw your blog entry. I think you're in the same year as my brother. The two schools merged the same year he's taking his PSLE.

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