almost dead... and twice!

no joke... i am not sure when and how it happened at first.

the first incident (hard of breathing) started after the night of my fren's Dave wedding (2nd Feb)... i reached home around 12plus midnight... went for a bath and was fast asleep.. around 4am, i woke up feeling breathless... felt asthmatic (my long time evil)... i quickly got myself a cup of milo before taking zenmolin... at least i felt ok and alive and able to sleep without problem (though in living room sofa)...

what caused the relapse? i don't remember drinking alcohol or cold drinks.

the next incident happened on Sunday night (2 days ago)... same thing, hard of breathing around 4am, slept only around 7am... there was no haze or fog problems on both days, no alcohol and cold drinks...

it must be something i ate or drink...


i had tea throughout Dave's wedding... i had tea and coffee on Sunday dinner and kopi-time with frens... and it only happen if i took them at night... CAFFEINE-RELATED PRODUCTS.

i tried tea in the morning and i was fine... the effects of caffeine probably did not last that long till sleeptime.

from Dr Lim to all asthmatic frens... caffeine overdose kills...


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