day 1 of new year...visiting relatives, zero gambling. day 2, still visiting relatives, minimal gambling, watch fireworks at river hongbao. day 3, visited by family and close frens, major gambling... won a bit, had my 1st Lunar New Year Yusheng!...better late than never. day 4, visited wife's U frens, zero gambling, another Yusheng! yeah! went to kopi and relaxed since it was a Sunday. day 5, lazing and on leave, recuperating from the late night CNY sleeps. day 6 to 9, gettttting boring during Lunar New Year...saw ex-sec school mate, Weijin... day 7, 人日 (everyone's birthday), had another Yusheng! day 10, attended Amelia's girl, Alexis 2nd year old birthday party... adjourned to nokia's frens house, 3rd Yusheng! some wine, tasty food. day 11, lie low... some shopping at Suntec... day 12 and 13, mood of CNY was almost gone. day 14, met up with my bro for lunch since we never really eat together during this CNY *thanks to Wayne and Keith (my nephews - bro's kids having...