finally STREAM arrived!
21122007, this day marks the arrival of my STREAM... a bit sad to let go of 206 but no choice...
150050, the mileage of 206 after almost 5 years of drivin... a good car, good handling and good to swerve around the town easily.

Stream (a longer wheelbase), driving around is not a problem, the only headache is parking... parallel parking was a challenge but i manage it quite well. the problematic part was reverse parking... it seems tougher than parallel.
got Vkool, luggage cover... waiting for my armrest and amp to be fixed and everything is ready, GET SET, GO! VROOM... waiting for first 1000km and run-in for this car before i can try out the raw power of STREAM...
150050, the mileage of 206 after almost 5 years of drivin... a good car, good handling and good to swerve around the town easily.

Stream (a longer wheelbase), driving around is not a problem, the only headache is parking... parallel parking was a challenge but i manage it quite well. the problematic part was reverse parking... it seems tougher than parallel.
got Vkool, luggage cover... waiting for my armrest and amp to be fixed and everything is ready, GET SET, GO! VROOM... waiting for first 1000km and run-in for this car before i can try out the raw power of STREAM...