how fast she has grown...
it's really been a while since my last post.
i am making different decisions everyday... one moment i am staying at my house, the next moment i could be sleeping at my in-laws place... all thanks to my little girl...
my wife has past her 'honeymoon' phase... honeymoon with the baby and joining the workforce... almost 4 months... i am wondering how she can get used to the 'working' life.. today first day...
for the past weeks, i have been a 'marathon runner' with my car... shuffling between my house. my kid's school at PSA building and my inlaw place... really great... the feeling is like driving to JB in and out... super shack...
times really flies,
this picture was taken when my little girl was 1 week old.
this was about 3 months old...
look at her so 'un-friendly' and boyish and...looks so mature ...can sit up somemore.
but the picture that i really think is great is ->
looks like a one year old...hahha...look at her expression...scare, worried or what?