the longest week in my life....
this should be my longest week since NSF....

(a photo from Chinese New Year 2007)
my adorable girl was sick since last Friday, high fever (record 39.4deg celsius)...i had to 'play nurse' every 3 hours (giving her the famous Progesic and Bifen)...luckily my boss was in Australia...i reached office almost 10 everyday... looking listless. but hell, work still had to be covered...
i had to really thank my in-laws for taking care of my girl during this week (my family was staying there on weekdays)... as the saying goes "a house with an elder, is like having a treasure"...well said, well said.

(another photo taken during CNY 2007: my girl in the centre; on the right is the cousin, Sebes; the left, Seles - chubby girl)
the tiring thing was not high fever though...on Monday she kanna (caught) flu and running nose from her cousin, that night, she vomitted and it was so bad that red spots appeared around her eyes...we had to see her 'regular' Dr Lee from Kinder Clinic.
pray to Buddha, she is finally well and running around...
this week is worst than serving in-camp training.

(a photo from Chinese New Year 2007)
my adorable girl was sick since last Friday, high fever (record 39.4deg celsius)...i had to 'play nurse' every 3 hours (giving her the famous Progesic and Bifen)...luckily my boss was in Australia...i reached office almost 10 everyday... looking listless. but hell, work still had to be covered...
i had to really thank my in-laws for taking care of my girl during this week (my family was staying there on weekdays)... as the saying goes "a house with an elder, is like having a treasure"...well said, well said.
(another photo taken during CNY 2007: my girl in the centre; on the right is the cousin, Sebes; the left, Seles - chubby girl)
the tiring thing was not high fever though...on Monday she kanna (caught) flu and running nose from her cousin, that night, she vomitted and it was so bad that red spots appeared around her eyes...we had to see her 'regular' Dr Lee from Kinder Clinic.
pray to Buddha, she is finally well and running around...
this week is worst than serving in-camp training.