Singapore motorists - really one of the kind

i was driving back today...a BMW was in front of me, travelling on the right most lane of a road (not highway) at 40 to 50kmh... the first notion that hits me, a lady driver... turning round the corner to overtake the driver... BINGO! a lady.

i also like to dream of the driver behind the wheel, what they are doing... there is a trend after 9 years of driving (not long thought)...

especially in highway, a car travelling around 60 to 70kmh in the middle lane (no other vehicle in front of it):
1) he is SMSing or talking over the mobile phone.
2) she is driving.
3) an old person is behind that wheel.
4) 'P' plate driver or weekend plate driver (aka maybe new driver).
5) he/she is busy chatting with the passenger.

i am option 1... i know its dangerous but sometimes...forgive me...

there is crazy scene that i ever saw on a Mercs driver... he was definitely cruising on Singapore highway (singapore plate car), he had one of his leg on his seat, maybe digging on his toes...Whoa!...fantastic---ally DANGEROUS.


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