Amazing growth in my girl

my wife, my girl and i were in the car yesterday.

"Mummy, please lock the door", my girl requested.

after my wife locked the door, "Thank you mummy for locking the door", exclaimed my girl.

how does she know when to use "lock" and when to use "locking"? we don't remember teaching her. really amazing to see that she can pick things up this fast (but don't know where)....

sanother incident happened:
"tomorrow we are going where", she did a literal translation from Mandarin "明天我们要去那里".

when i said "where....", she quickly "where are we going tomorrow?"....

isn't it fantastic? most kids in her montessori are probably able to execute this level of correct and proper sentence structure. Kudos to Montessori! least our money is not wasted....I just hope she don't learn the wrong things from her friends.


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