Update: Japan reports battery fire in Mac - by Reuters

just a few weeks after the report on Dell laptops... see here

Apple computer notebooks are facing the same problem with Sony batteries.

The Japanese government said Tuesday that it knew of one case in Japan of a Sony made battery used in an Apple Computer notebook overheating and catching fire.

The incident, resulting in a minor burn to the person's finger, happened in April.

The government said last week there had been two cases of Sony-made batteries used in Dell notebooks catching fire in Japan, but no one was injured.

The report on Tuesday comes after Apple said last week that it will recall 1.8 million lithium ion notebook PC batteries that use battery cells made by Sony.

The Apple recall follows an even larger one earlier this month by No.1 PC maker Dell of 4.1 million lithium ion batteries, which were also produced using Sony cells, the main component of the battery pack.

The Tokyo-based electronics and entertainment conglomerate has said the two recalls will cost it $171 million to $257 million (20 billion yen to 30 billion yen).

- Article from ZDnet (28 Aug 06 by Reuters)

for all laptops', notebooks' or tablets' users, please check whether you are using a Sony battery. check the part with your brand vendor.


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