Tiring 3 days...counting down

starting today, i am on my own to look after my girl. my wife is enjoying her office retreat at some resort in Thailand....good life... presumably will be a tiring 3-days for me... *sigh*

my cough is still there, i can 'feel' the 'lump' of liquid-like thingy in the throat..... eeeeEEE.

KL trip was incredible, i took aeroline bus up from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur (starting 8am, reached 1.30pm)..... meeting 2.30pm....finished at 3.30pm.... tried to book a bus back for 6.30pm...fully SOLD OUT!

luckily my colleague, George was good enuff to fetch me around to hunt for tickets....finally gotten one at 10.00pm.......some 'SUPER' bus, quite spacious but no facilities. Comparing to aeroline, aeroline comes with one drink, one food, power points for your electronic gadgets, and even pillow.... though more expensive but better since it is non-stop and there is an in-bus toilet.

coming back, this 'SUPER' bus was spacious but i just could not sleep, i miss my pillow and bolster........finally reached Singapore 4.30pm. thank Buddha, i am back in one piece.

let's pray for me to overcome these 3 days.....of survival.

PS: survival...... just saw 'Basic Instincts 2', did not see part 1 though. quite interesting but lack the real thriller's oomph...6/10 for me :)


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