Fun, fUn or fuN...

"what is fun?" a simple question asked by Plankton to Spongebob......

Spongebob thought for a while...errr, ermmm....."Friends, U & me N aNyone, aNywhere!"

Plankton (the bad creature in this show) exclaimed, "Fire, Uranium and No survival is FUN!"

craxy but surely a thought to think about. when is the last time you had FUN?

10 years ago, FUN to me is to be Filthy rich, Unlimited money and No worries on cash to spend .....hahaha....

now? FUN is with Family, Unlimited amount of time to stay together and No worries on the work that is going to pile up.

a simple word that has a whole lot of different meanings everyday.

it's fun For U to Notice :)


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