Best Defense...

I was talking to my bro-in-law regarding his work. it seems like there is a misunderstanding or miscommunication between his 'higher authority" and him, and i happen to quote this phrase, "The Best Defense is not to defend". .. whoa, profound huh?

The Best Defense is Not To Defend:
- applies to soccer: means to attack and goal first!
- applies to quarrel with partner: means silence and you will be the winner. :)
- applies to office politics/work: means keeping mouth shut and working harder, inviting lesser gossip and boss-subordinate misunderstanding.
- applies to driving: means overtaking that bast**d on the road when you give way to him and he shows you the middle finger.
- applies to sales: means quoting at cost or below cost to 'kill' any competition.

all in all, Not to Defend does not necessarily mean weak or retreat, but rather becoming aggressive in a subtle way. look at Gandhi.

Probably i learn this phrase from some place....hmmmm.


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