back with a vengence...let's focus

sorry guys, i was down with this cough cum sore throat cum headache cum fever sickness.

damn, feeling lousy. however, during my time at home. i am free from work. i am able to focus on what i really intend to do.

two things that really come to my mind:
- giving free advice for all viewers on fengshui and bazi related issues, hope to register that blog. i am not any master but really purely based on interests. so write to me if you have a problem... However, if you are having all the luck everytime, write to me as well. i am interested in your life destiny (bazi).

- getting my game site up.... *sigh* i have been so tied up with work, sickness, family matters that ........ haiz*

after this Friday business trip to KL, i will need to sit down and really plan.

technology makes and kills a man.

PS: for reading pleasure for those interested in Fengshui and Life Destiny (Ba Zi).


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